Our Vision for the Future




Yamaguchi University traces its origin to Yamaguchi Kodo, founded in 1815 by Ueda Hoyo, a feudal clansman of the Choshu Province. Since then, over its 200-year history, the educational institute has evolved into a core university with nine undergraduate faculties and eight graduate schools, enrolling more than 10,000 students. Guided by the motto ¡°A Forum for Wisdom – Discover. Grow. Create.¡± Yamaguchi University not only creates knowledge and imparts it to the world but also contributes to regional development as an intellectual hub for the local communities. Since its founding, the University has produced more than 120,000 graduates, who have demonstrated their talent in a wide range of fields around Japan and the world.

In 2008, Yamaguchi University formulated and announced the Future YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY Vision and upgraded it to Future YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY Vision 2015 on the 200th anniversary of the founding of the University in 2015. The University has made consistently progress toward the realization of the vision, pursuing its main goal of becoming a ¡°Diverse Campus¡± by 2025. Anticipating a promising start to its fourth medium-term goal period in 2023, the University has devised Future YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY Vision 2030, projecting its aspirations beyond 2030. This vision aims to contribute significantly to the global and regional societies by cultivating wisdom and fostering resilient and flexible human resources.

Background to the Formulation of the Vision

The world is continuously progressing and undergoing significant changes. Through IoT (Internet of Things) and IoH (Internet of Human), everything, and even people, are becoming connected to the internet, and society is striving for highly efficient processes through DX (Digital Transformation) in the way we work. Within Yamaguchi University, efforts are being made to utilize ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and promote DX in education, research, and healthcare. Now, at the dawn of this new era, we are challenged to answer the important question of how information-oriented society can enrich people’s lives. To meet this challenge, the University recognizes the need for individuals with highly specialized expertise, broad education and flexible thinking skills, whether in the humanities or science. In addition, leading innovation and pioneering a new era require humanistic knowledge bridging scientific and engineering realms with human connection. Humanistic knowledge is also crucial for universal, global efforts toward sustainability.

In September 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda, encompassing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are universal goals for the entire international community to achieve in the three intertwined fields of economy, society, and the environment during the 15-year period from 2016 to 2030. In this era of significant societal shifts, Yamaguchi University is poised to play a pivotal role in local and global SDG achievement through education, research, and social contribution, thereby contributing to a sustainable world.

Yamaguchi University’s mission and vision

The Charter of Yamaguchi University defines the fundamental principles of Yamaguchi University as follows.

  1. A Forum for Wisdom – Discover. Grow. Create.
  2. Cultivate a Spirit of Collaboration, Interactive Education and Sharing
  3. Respect Justice, Equality and Fraternity

Based on these basic principles, Future YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY Vision 2030 defines the university¡¯s primary goal as making a meaningful contribution to the world and regional society by creating wisdom and nurturing resilient and flexible human resources. To achieve this, Yamaguchi University aim to foster human resources and impart knowledge globally while remaining deeply rooted in its local community.

Resilience and flexibility are viewed as essential attributes to navigate a rapidly changing world. Drawing inspiration from bamboo, known for its resilience and adaptability strongly supported by their widespread roots, and strength in a different way from steel, the University encourages a mindset of flexible adaptation and forward progress in education, research, and management.

In the realm of education, the University focuses on developing individuals capable of meeting contemporary demands by emphasizing data science education,*1 intellectual property education, and language education on a university-wide scale. Additionally, problem-solving learning is widely adopted to facilitate active learning, and STEAM education (integrating science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) is further promoted. The overarching goal is to instill in students a joy for learning, the ability to adapt to societal changes fostering flexibility and courage to face future challenges, and recognition of their own growth.

In the field of research, we will contribute to the SDGs by promoting interdisciplinary research toward a green society and a society of healthy longevity. We will also take on the challenge of resolving social issues and forming an innovation ecosystem.*2 To this end, we will hone the University’s strengths in a diverse range of fields, from basic to applied research, and promote collaborative research with companies and research institutions nationally and internationally.

Regional cooperation and contribution are central to the University’s mission. By establishing itself as a forum of knowledge and a regional think tank, Yamaguchi University seeks to earn the trust of society. Through collaboration with industry, academia, and government, the University aims to identify regional challenges, propose solutions, and contribute to regional development. The University Hospital providing cutting-edge medical care, serves not only the local region, but extends its impact nationally and internationally. The collective development of all campuses into an Innovation Commons,*3 a center of co-creation, is envisioned, serving as a hub for collaboration among industry, academia, government, local communities, students, and university faculty and staff. We believe that our significant contribution to the region will translate into a meaningful contribution to the world.

Diversity is a source of vitality. Yamaguchi University will create an attractive diverse campus where all people, irrespective of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc., can express their individuality, empathize with diverse values, and establish meaningful connections. Intellectual diversity, inherent to the comprehensive university structure, is seen as a strength, and globalization is considered pivotal for promoting intellectual and human diversity. The University aims to lead in a changing society by harnessing the synergy of diverse knowledge from its nine faculties and eight graduate schools.

Yamaguchi University operates on a foundation of dialogue and consensus, complemented by the establishment of strategic management systems and robust governance under the leadership of its President. The integration of strategic management and strong governance is expected to propel the University forward, fostering a sense of pride and joy among students, faculty, and staff, and earning the trust of local communities and society at large. Proactive information disclosure and transparent university management are emphasized.

Students, faculty, and staff will all work together to achieve these goals and serve as pioneers in an era of continuous changes with the aim of enabling Yamaguchi University to evolve into an institution that can make a meaningful contribution to the world and regional society by creating wisdom and nurturing resilient and flexible human resources by the year 2030.

Structure of Future YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY Vision 2030

Future YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY Vision 2030 comprises the five core areas of education, research, social engagement, diversity, and management, for each of which three levels of policies¡ªthe Vision, Key Strategies, and Key Measures¡ªare defined. The role and objectives of each of these three are as follows.

  • The Vision describes what Yamaguchi University should be and wants to be by 2030.
  • Key Strategies are medium- and long-term policies for realizing each Vision. Twenty-three strategies are defined for the five Visions.
  • Key measures are action plans to promote the Key Strategies, with 74 measures for the 23 strategies.

Vision for Education

While building on existing academic disciplines, we will nurture human resources with great human skills who boldly tackle difficult challenges faced by local and international society based on their out-of-the-box ideas, diverse values, and deep insight, pioneer a near-future society with a flexible attitude, and contribute to the realization of Society 5.0.*4

Key Strategy 1: Develop human resources who can demonstrate their capabilities in local and international society

We will develop human resources who can respond to a changing society with flexible thinking, contribute to solving issues represented by those identified in the SDGs from regional and global perspectives, and play a key role in Society 5.0.*4

(1) Enhancement of consistent bachelor’s education, from liberal-arts to professional education
To develop human resources with great human skills that help realize Society 5.0,*4 we will enhance our STEAM education, data science education,*1 and intellectual property education, in which the University’s distinctive features lie. We will also develop interdisciplinary education and DX education,*5 without being bound by conventional concepts or disciplinary boundaries, and enhance flexible undergraduate education.

(2) Provision of flexible and diverse educational programs in collaboration with other universities in Japan and abroad through the use of ICT
To develop human resources who can contribute to local and international communities from a broad perspective, we will provide flexible learning opportunities and diverse educational programs by making the most of human and material resources in collaboration with other universities in Japan and abroad while utilizing ICT.

(3) Expansion of inquiry-based and project-based learning from the perspective of the SDGs Challenge
To develop flexible-minded human resources who can pioneer a near-future society, we will adopt the perspective of the SDGs Challenge, to solve various problems that will emerge on our way to the achievement of the SDGs, and expand our project-based learning (PBL), where students understand and explore the characteristics and issues of local and international communities while communicating with a diverse range of other people.

Key Strategy 2: Develop an educational environment that can adapt to situational changes

We will make further efforts to improve the quality of learner-centered education and learning we provide by making good use of advanced digital technology.

(4) Promotion of DX in learner-centered education through the monitoring and visualization of learning and educational outcomes
To improve the quality of learning at the University and realize learner-centered education, we will promote DX in education by introducing AI-assisted learning management systems and other means and strengthen teaching and learning management so that students will be able to grasp the outcome of their own learning.

(5) Improvement of the quality of learner-centered education by enhancing faculty development (FD) and staff development (SD)*6
To ensure the good quality of learner-centered education, we will plan and implement faculty development (FD) and staff development (SD)*6 measures in a well-organized and systematic manner to raise the faculty¡¯s and staff¡¯s awareness of teaching and learning management and enable them to master educational methods that match students’ opinions and requests and improve their work skills.

(6) Flexible and effective implementation of education through the development of hybrid classes, e-books, e-teaching materials, etc.
To use the advantages of both in-person and remote/online classes to further promote education provided by connecting our campuses with each other or in cooperation with other universities in Japan and abroad, we will promote the development of hybrid education, e-books, e-teaching materials, etc. and offer education in a flexible and effective manner by making full use of digital technology.

Key Strategy 3: Promote graduate education to develop creative human resources

We will promote graduate education that fosters highly specialized professionals with creativity and social awareness who can demonstrate their capabilities in regional society and the world.

(7) Promotion of graduate education that fosters advanced expertise and a broad interdisciplinary perspective in students
To respond flexibly to global changes in society and the environment, we will develop graduate school education that pioneers knowledge production and value creation in a human-centered Society 5.0*4 by promoting interdisciplinary education while ensuring smooth coordination between undergraduate and graduate education and promoting education that meets the objective of fostering specialized human resources.

(8) Promotion of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary collaboration-based education and co-creation with the participation of diverse students and faculty members
We will create a favorable environment for interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary education and research to enable researchers and graduate students from around Japan and the world to become human resources with the competence and ability to reassess today’s increasingly diverse and complex social issues from multiple perspectives and solve them by crossing and integrating various fields of expertise. Furthermore, our graduate schools will offer lectures to each other¡¯s students too to facilitate joint research and other initiatives through collaboration among students and faculty members from different graduate schools.

(9) Enhancement of professional-graduate-school programs that connect theory and practice
The Graduate School of Education and the Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, both of which are professional graduate schools, aim to fulfill their responsibilities of training personnel who can play a leading role in the field of school education and training personnel who can constantly create innovations, respectively, by further encouraging students to establish a close connection between their theoretical knowledge and practical experience in a manner that precisely matches the advanced and complex needs of the time.

Key Strategy 4: Accept talented students with diverse values, experiences, and abilities

We will improve our methods for assessing the motivation, abilities, and academic performance of prospective students and review our admissions system from various perspectives.

(10) Continuous improvement of our method of selecting applicants to assess their qualities and abilities from more diverse and comprehensive perspectives
In the selection of applicants eligible for admission, we will assess them in full consideration of not only their academic performance but also their motivation and abilities, including their learning achievements in various activities during senior high school education, such as club activities, extracurricular activities, and acquisition of qualifications. In addition, we will also evaluate them from diverse and comprehensive perspectives according to the criteria of the three elements of academic ability.*7 To this end, we will conduct research on entrance examinations, including trends in entrance examinations administered by other universities, and surveys at senior high schools to continuously improve our selection method to match the University’s admission policy and the needs of prospective students.

(11) Promotion of flexible admission-related public relations activities and a review of the admissions system with the aim of accepting more diverse students
To meet the various needs of senior high schools, we will hold each university information session by flexibly arranging for its venue, content, and style (in-person, online, or hybrid) to provide accurate information about our entrance examinations, including how to select from the examination categories, to targeted prospective students. In addition, with the aim of accepting more diverse students, we will review our admissions system based on the results of our surveys of senior high schools with commercial, agricultural, industrial, and other specialized departments.

(12) Attraction of excellent students who meet the graduate schools¡¯ student admission policy
We will continue to conduct surveys of students at the time of their admission and course completion and follow-up surveys after their course completion. By doing so, we will regularly review the status of our admission of graduate students and improve our method for selecting eligible students to attract a larger number of excellent students.

Key Strategy 5: Enhance the student support system

We will enhance our system for supporting diverse students, provide them with a variety of learning opportunities in collaboration with the local communities, and assist in their career development.

(13) Strengthening campus life support for all students, including those who face problems or have concerns
We will further enhance our consultation and support systems intended to help students in all aspects of their university life, from the learning support system to the systems for mental and physical care and support, so that all students can lead a campus life of better quality and study with peace of mind.

(14) Strengthening organizational support for unique extracurricular activities to encourage students’ independence and autonomy
We will further strengthen our organizational support for students’ voluntary activities, such as club activities, volunteer activities, and the ¡°Omoshiro Project,¡± our original extracurricular education program, in order to help them develop their own perseverance in independent and autonomous learning and in self-development efforts.

(15) Expansion of the career development support system to prepare students for their social and professional autonomy
To prepare students to live flexibly in an era of rapid changes and great uncertainties and gain social and professional autonomy, we will improve our career development support to be more sufficiently consistent to entirely cover their undergraduate to PhD years by promoting career education and internships in cooperation with local industries and governments and by providing career path support for graduate students. At the same time, we will also further enhance our recurrent education*8 programs for working people, including Yamaguchi University alumni.

Vision for Research

We will respond flexibly to the changing needs of society and continue to create knowledge that leads to innovation. To this end, we will utilize our strengths as a comprehensive university and accumulate interdisciplinary knowledge in order to not only play an important role in industry-academia-government collaboration in building a regional innovation ecosystem*2 that can contribute to the formation of industrial centers and thereby to regional revitalization but also open up world-leading research frontiers.

Key Strategy 1: Build a regional innovation ecosystem*2

We will contribute to establishing a Yamaguchi-style regional co-creation system to give a stronger regional-issue-based pull to open innovation through industry-academia-government collaboration.

(1) Establishment of a Yamaguchi-style regional co-creation system toward solutions to regional issues
Based on regional issues and the seeds owned by Yamaguchi University, we will create R&D projects in accordance with the regional vision shared among industry, academia and government. After undergoing a suitability assessment, we will conduct R&D using our local region as a verification field and build a Yamaguchi-style regional co-creation system, whose outcome will be commercialized.

(2) Establishment of research bases for top-down industry-academia-government collaboration*9
From among R&D projects implemented under the Yamaguchi-style regional co-creation system, projects expected to have a lasting significant impact on society will be granted top-down approval as core projects for which hubs for the circulation of human resources, knowledge, and funds will be established in the regional innovation ecosystem.*2

(3) Strengthening and expansion of comprehensive cooperation with local companies and governments and enhancement of the University¡¯s function of continuing to launch startups
To strengthen the foundation for the regional innovation ecosystem,*2 we will strengthen and expand our comprehensive cooperation with local companies and governments. At the same time, we will also strengthen the University¡¯s function of launching a continuous series of startups, for example, by establishing a gap fund.*10

Key Strategy 2: Open up world-leading research frontiers

We will open up world-leading research frontiers by providing priority support for unique and competitive research projects.

(4) Enhancement of existing University-affiliated research centers and establishment of new centers of this kind
To further develop interdisciplinary research activities conducted through collaboration between the humanities and sciences at the Research Institute of Time Studies, a unique institute of Yamaguchi University, we will encourage a wider range of researchers from inside and outside the University to join the research activities, thereby empowering the research organization. In addition, we will provide priority support for highly original research projects implemented at top-down industry-academia-government collaboration research centers*9 and other facilities to prepare to establish new world-leading University-affiliated research centers.

(5) Organizational reform of research centers
We will carry out drastic organizational reforms of our research centers through selection and concentration of research fields to raise them to be global niche top research centers*11 with world-class research competitiveness and capabilities for industry-academia collaboration.

(6) Creation of a field of AI systems medical research by utilizing diverse clinical data
We will enhance the AI Systems Medical Research and Training Center to accelerate its efforts to research and develop AI-assisted medical technology and open up a new field of AI systems medical research by making maximum use of diverse clinical data from the electronic medical records maintained at the University Hospital and the systems of its respective medical departments.

(7) Expansion of the Yamaguchi University-style tenure track system*12
To foster creative young researchers, Yamaguchi University will expand its original tenure track system*12 and create an attractive research environment.

Key Strategy 3: Promote interdisciplinary basic research as a source of value creation

We will strengthen our support for international joint research and interdisciplinary research to increase the excellence and diversity of our basic research.

(8) Enhancement of support for interdisciplinary basic research groups
To increase the excellence and diversity of basic research conducted at the University, we will provide enhanced support for interdisciplinary basic research groups while reviewing and improving our methods of evaluating their achievements and the details of our support for them.

(9) Strengthening support for joint research with priority partner universities*13
Yamaguchi University selects priority partner universities*13 for the purposes of supporting various types of education and making international contributions. We will strongly promote priority collaborative activities with them mainly in particular research fields while reviewing our selection criteria and the details of our support for joint research with them to further strengthen our international joint research.

Key Strategy 4: Improve and enhance research infrastructure to produce more outstanding research results

We will upgrade our system for shared use of research equipment by reorganizing the University-wide joint-use facilities and promoting DX in research.

(10) Improvement of services by rationalizing the facilities of the Science Research Center
We will sophisticate our researcher support facilities, research facilities and equipment, technologies, and services by improving the facility management system at the Science Research Center and promoting the rationalization of the whole Center in response to social changes and technological advancement.

(11) Upgrading the system for shared use of research facilities and equipment
We will link all research data to each other by promoting DX in research DX while visualizing costs incurred by and results produced with the shared equipment and establishing common rules on usage fees. At the same time, we will upgrade our system for shared use of research facilities and equipment by promoting the visualization of effects of investment in research facilities and equipment by utilizing shared-use indicators, which serve as selection criteria in the introduction of new equipment and the renewal of old equipment.

(12) Enhancement of the researcher support system through the promotion of equipment sharing and skill development for the technical staff
The Research Facility Management Center and the Advanced Technology Institute will enhance the University¡¯s support system for researchers by working together to promote the shared use of research facilities and equipment and to more greatly assist the technical staff in their efforts to acquire advanced specialist skills.

Key Strategy 5: Contribute to realizing a sustainable society

We will contribute to solving problems entailed by global warming and realizing a green society by bringing together the comprehensive knowledge of Yamaguchi University.

(13) Active support for the Research Group for Promoting Green Society of Yamaguchi University
By actively providing research funding and other support to the Research Group for Promoting Green Society of Yamaguchi University, we will create innovative decarbonization technologies and green society systems from the research group and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

Vision for the Region

We aim to be an attractive university that is relied upon and valued by the local stakeholders, contributing to solving regional problems by organizing human resources who can play an active role in the region in a flexible and resilient manner and by fulfilling a regional think-tank function as a forum of knowledge in collaboration with businesses, other educational institutions, and administrative bodies.

Key Strategy 1: Strengthen the University¡¯s think-tank function expected by the local communities

We will promote thorough discussions about various regional issues and needs among the members of the Regional Collaboration Platform,*14 which consists of local educational institutions, administrative bodies, and businesses, and share the agenda and discussion results with the Community Future Center.*15 By doing so, we aim to serve as a think tank that deserve the expectation and trust of local stakeholders by organizing education and research groups to solve problems.

(1) Strengthening the headquarters function of the Community Future Center*15
We will strengthen the headquarters function of our Community Future Center*15 so that it can play a central role in the Regional Collaboration Platform*14 by organizing cross-departmental educational programs and research groups and facilitating cooperation through them.

(2) Centralized management of information within the University to facilitate its own communication with stakeholders
We will adopt a centralized approach to managing a variety of information stored separately in each department about its stakeholders, including students, alumni, parents, other educational organizations, and local governments and companies. This approach will facilitate two-way communication between Yamaguchi University and its stakeholders and improve public understanding of the University by utilizing various media and opportunities.

Key Strategy 2: Develop a regional center for co-creation

We will develop all our campuses collectively into a regional center for co-creation (Innovation Commons*3) with the local communities and industries. We will contribute to revitalizing regional society and creating new businesses and industries by implementing project-based learning (PBL) and problem-based internship (PBI) programs at local companies, as well as by upgrading, diversifying and internationalizing our joint research.

(3) Establishment of Innovation Commons*3
To solve regional issues, we will develop all our campuses collectively as Innovation Commons*3 to promote interaction between students and local governments and companies through PBL, PBI, and career education at local companies and to create a favorable environment for the Regional Collaboration Platform*14 to match regional issues with the University¡¯s resources.

(4) Establishment of a Regional Collaboration Platform*14 and places for co-creation*16 with a view to solving regional issues
We will develop our comprehensive cooperation agreements with local governments into a Regional Cooperation Platform,*14 in which parties from industry, academia, and government participate, and create a Place for Co-creation*16 for each of the various regional issues discussed by members of the platform. By doing so, we will aim to resolve specific issues in collaboration with other platform members.

(5) Strengthening the University¡¯s communication function by networking university libraries in Yamaguchi Prefecture
We aim to make our and other universities¡¯ libraries open to the local communities by utilizing digital communication tools to establish an online connection between the places for activities (Academic Forests*17) in our three libraries and between university libraries, including ours, in Yamaguchi Prefecture and developing the thus created virtual space into a place where students and researchers can present their educational and research results and interact with the regional communities.

Key Strategy 3: Develop human resources who can contribute to the sustainable development of the region

We will work to increase the local retention of young human resources and provide a wider range of working adults with opportunities for reskilling*18 to support the region¡¯s shift from equipment-based to knowledge-intensive industries and contribute to its sustainable development.

(6) Human resources development through inter-university cooperation
We will collaborate in human resource development with other Yamaguchi Prefecture-based universities, which widely differ in terms of the educational philosophy, purposes, organizational form, size, etc. Collaboration between those local universities, including ourselves, will help share each other’s educational and research strengths and unique educational resources to advance, diversify, and internationalize education and research in a manner that would be impossible with each single university. Through such collaboration, we will contribute to developing flexible-minded human resources needed by the local communities.

(7) Enhancement of our reskilling*18 program for working people to develop human resources who can adapt to the transformation of industrial structure
In response to changes in regional and social needs due to the transformation of industrial structure, the development of globalization, etc., we will expand our reskilling*18 program for working people to help them acquire specialist knowledge, technological expertise, and skills and achieve career advancement.

(8) Development of highly professional human resources for new industries and enhancement of education programs based on high school-university cooperation
To develop highly professional human resources who can support knowledge-intensive and other new industries through the use of ICT and the promotion of DX, we will enhance our education programs based on our cooperation with general-course senior high schools. We will also promote our career education programs intended for students at senior high schools with commercial, agricultural, industrial, and other specialized departments in order to provide those students with a wider choice of career development, including studying at a university.

(9) Development of educational human resources in the region
We will support the career development of educational human resources rooted in the region by actively offering class models and advanced educational programs designed and developed at the schools affiliated with the Faculty of Education for use by local elementary- and high-school teachers.

Key Strategy 4: Make a significant contribution to education, research, and cultural promotion as a base for regional studies

We will contribute to the promotion of regional education and culture by sharing, enriching, and developing Yamaguchi Studies, an area of regional studies pursued in the research field of Yamaguchi.

(10) Construction of a new Yamaguchi Studies by linking diverse knowledge to regional issues
Yamaguchi University has promoted Yamaguchi Studies as an interdisciplinary area that integrates humanistic and scientific research on the nature, culture, and industry of Yamaguchi Prefecture. The University will make Yamaguchi Studies open to researchers from other universities to evolve it into a new Yamaguchi Studies by applying the diverse knowledge of Yamaguchi University researchers and other researchers inside and outside the prefecture to solutions to regional issues.

(11) Promotion of open access*19 to valuable academic materials
To utilize valuable academic materials owned by our libraries for the purposes of education and research, we will register them in public digital collections that comply with international standards for image sharing to allow open access*19 to them.

Key Strategy 5: Contribute to the realization of a safe and secure regional society

We will contribute to the realization of a safe, secure, and sustainable regional society by resolving regional issues and developing human resources needed by the region.

(12) Contribution to the creation of safe and secure communities
We will contribute to the realization of safe and secure communities by imparting the University’s integrated body of knowledge to local governments, businesses, and residents through the Regional Collaboration Platform,*14 That body of knowledge includes findings from the University¡¯s education and research efforts concerning society of healthy longevity, disaster prevention, the environment, and the spread of new infectious diseases, as well as its expertise in the spread of DX and university crisis management systems.

(13) Enhancement of the University Hospital¡¯s function as a hub medical institution that leads regional healthcare
As the only hospital designated as a medical institution with specific functions in Yamaguchi Prefecture and as the hub medical institution in the region, the University Hospital will promote cooperation between governments, medical institutions, and educational institutions to establish a more stable regional medical system and foster highly qualified medical professionals needed in the region. In addition, we will provide high-quality, safe medical care through continuous efforts to enhance medical support and hospital functions through DX.

Vision for Diversity

Recognizing diversity as a source of vitality, we will develop our campuses into more diverse ones where students, the faculty, and the staff, regardless of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity, can all feel comfortable about demonstrating their individuality and abilities, building relationships with each other, and playing an active role, resulting in resonation of diverse knowledge.

Key Strategy 1: Provide support that meets the diverse needs of students, the faculty, and the staff

We provide students, as well as faculty and staff members, with support that meets their diverse needs related to their disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, religious faith, etc. so that they can feel comfortable about demonstrating their individuality and abilities at the University.

(1) Improved student support tailored to circumstances surrounding each student to ensure that their disability does not hinder their studies
To provide students with special needs with effective support that can help address their difficulties and needs, which widely vary depending on the type and degree of their disability, as well as circumstances surrounding them, we will offer enhanced training opportunities to the faculty and staff and facilitate closer cooperation between the University-wide special student support organization and each department. At the same time, we will adopt more accessible designs for university facilities.

(2) Realization of a campus environment where diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) are respected
To create a campus environment where diverse sexual orientations and gender identities are respected in line with the basic principles defined in the University’s SOGI Guidelines,*20 we will constantly review our relevant measures to ensure that those measures are implemented thoroughly. We will also conduct SOGI awareness-raising activities targeted at students, the faculty, and the staff on a regular basis, including holding events and delivering messages on various media.

(3) Enhancement of one-stop services and programs that are attractive to international students
To provide a safe place for international students to study, we will enhance our educational programs intended for exchange and short-term international students, including classes taught in English and co-creative education programs, which enable them to interact with other students while leveraging the expertise they have developed in their undergraduate or graduate studies. In addition, we will provide a comprehensive (one-stop) consultation and support service for international students before and after their arrival in Japan. We will also work to resolve issues reported by international students and the local communities and assist international students in finding employment at Japanese companies by offering measures such as internship opportunities.

(4) Supporting international students and researchers and paying due consideration to their freedom of religion and belief
We will provide living-related and mental support for international students and researchers and enhance our measures that are necessary in due consideration of their freedom of religion and belief. Furthermore, we will promote campus globalization by making our website, campus notices and signage, and in-house documents multilingual.

Key Strategy 2: Increase diversity among the faculty and staff

We will make an active commitment to increasing the ratios of women, young people, and non-Japanese people among our faculty and staff, especially among our researchers, to ensure the diversity of human resources, which will serve as the foundation for a diverse campus.

(5) Improvement of the ratios of women, young people, and people from abroad among the faculty through University-wide faculty management
The University will strategically increase the ratios of women, young people, and people from abroad among its faculty members by appointing the Personnel Committee, which comprises the President, trustees, and others, to manage the recruitment and promotion of all faculty members and be responsible for University-wide personnel management, including calling for job applications only from targeted applicants.

(6) Enabling the faculty and staff to achieve a good balance between their life events and work
We will implement three key measures for childcare support (providing on-campus after-school childcare services during long school breaks, offering financial support for care of sick children, and providing temporary childcare arrangements) so that faculty and staff members can maintain a good balance between their work and life events, regardless of gender. In addition, to help faculty and staff members work while looking after their family members, we will contract with an external organization specializing in nursing care support to provide free nursing care consultation and other services to faculty and staff members, including part-timers.

(7) Developing human resources with an international perspective
We will improve our campus environment to promote international diversity by systematically sending young researchers to work abroad, offering greater opportunities for overseas training to the staff, and utilizing projects with our priority partner universities and the cross-appointment system.*21 We will also promote exchanges with researchers from overseas academic institutions to develop internationally minded talent who will be responsible for the future of the University.

(8) Raising awareness to promote international activities for social contribution
To promote a University-wide change in awareness of international activities for social contribution, we will monitor the activity history of each faculty and staff member and provide information on overseas evaluation systems for international activities for social contribution.

Key Strategy 3: Promote student collaboration

We encourage student involvement in a variety of fields and ensure that the University’s management makes the most of diverse values.

(9) Support for diversity promotion activities conducted from students’ perspectives and promotion of collaboration
The key to creating a diverse campus is an accurate understanding of the value of diversity not only by the faculty and staff but also by students. By supporting and collaborating with student organizations that advocate a good understanding of diversity in sexual orientation and gender identity or conduct diversity promotion activities, we will facilitate awareness-raising activities targeting younger generations both inside and outside the University.

(10) Enhancement of the University¡¯s information sharing with the participation of students in public relations activities
To effectively share the University’s initiatives and appeal to people inside and outside the University, we encourage students to participate in planning and managing PR activities with the aim of developing new kinds of PR activities whose content and tools reflect students¡¯ sensibilities and opinions.

(11) Promotion of the participation of international students in student collaboration activities
By providing various opportunities for international students to get involved in university administration and think about various issues together with Japanese students, faculty members, and staff members, we will adopt the diverse perspectives of international students and solutions proposed by them to create a diverse campus.

(12) Strengthening peer support at the libraries through collaboration among students, including international students
We will create opportunities for students working at the university libraries and faculty and staff members related directly or indirectly to those students¡¯ work to exchange opinions and information. By encouraging them, including international students, to consider various issues together, we aim to achieve wider spread and development of students¡¯ collaborative activities.

Key Strategy 4: Strengthen the University¡¯s international activities

We will promote co-creative educational programs and international joint research that meet international standards so that students, the faculty, and the staff will be inspired by diverse values to strive for self-development, thereby creating new knowledge and values.

(13) Enhancement of the University¡¯s presence in research activities in the fields where its key strengths lie
We will promote our unique international joint research projects mainly with our priority partner universities*13 to enhance the University¡¯s presence in research activities.

(14) Proactive creation of opportunities for students, the faculty, and the staff to experience diverse values in the international arena, discover new knowledge, and take part in the creation of knowledge
In education, we will develop and implement co-creative educational programs in collaboration with overseas academic institutions, and in research, we will provide students and our faculty and staff with greater opportunities to raise issues, exchange opinions, and disseminate information by facilitating international symposia using ICT. We will do these things with the aim of encouraging students, faculty members, and staff members to draw inspiration for self-development from their experience with diverse values. In addition, we will encourage students to study abroad by such means as holding study abroad fairs and explanatory sessions.

(15) Expansion of cooperation with overseas institutions by providing education that meets international standards
We will enhance our education system that meets international standards by acquiring international accreditation and offering our education curricula for use by overseas institutions. We will provide education that meets international standards by promoting double-degree*22 and joint-degree programs*23 with overseas partner universities.

(16) Strengthening the University¡¯s public relations activities in collaboration with its overseas offices and alumni associations abroad
We will enhance our overseas offices in cooperation with partner institutions to promote Japanese students¡¯ studying abroad, our acceptance of international students, researcher exchanges, international collaboration, and our public relations activities. We will also improve our ability to disseminate information domestically and internationally by encouraging alumni and former international students who currently live abroad to get more closely involved in overseas alumni associations and enhancing continuous and higher-quality international relations through interactive and collaborative activities between Yamaguchi University students, faculty, and staff on one hand and their overseas counterparts on the other hand.

(17) Enhancement of library services for international students and researchers
To make our libraries more convenient for international students and researchers, we will utilize the student collaboration system to enhance various forms of library support for them, including library orientations in foreign languages and multilingual support and guidance on how to access e-journals given at service counters.

Vision for Management

Under the leadership of the President, strategic management and a strong governance system will ensure flexible university management based on dialogue and consensus so that students, the faculty, and the staff can all devote themselves to their studies and work with pride and joy. We will also ensure transparency through information disclosure to become a university trusted by society.

Key Strategy 1: Gain greater social trust

To realize proper university management, we will increase transparency through appropriate public relations activities and information disclosure, ensure information security, raise compliance awareness among our faculty and staff, and further strengthen our governance.

(1) Strengthening governance to realize proper university management
To establish a compliance system and further strengthen our governance under the leadership of the President, we will continue to voluntarily check and inspect our status of compliance with the National University Corporation Governance Code*24 and disclose the results on our website. In addition, the President and the trustee in charge will take the lead in addressing issues identified through the inspections and adopting any improvement measures if necessary.

(2) Efforts to develop a system for operational continuity in the event of an emergency and secure resources for that purpose
In anticipation of a disaster, an information security incident, or other events that can have an impact on operational continuity, we will establish a system and secure resources to minimize the anticipated impact and continue to carry out our duties as a national university corporation. We will also devise other systematic measures to deal with such a situation.

(3) University management that incorporates the opinions of various stakeholders inside and outside the University
In addition to utilizing the subcommittees of our Management Council, we will create opportunities to listen to the opinions of various stakeholders inside and outside the University, including students, and establish a system for university management reflecting those opinions. Moreover, we will identify unmet demand and needs by providing cooperation or participating in local events.

(4) Enhancement of Yamaguchi University¡¯s public relations skills and expansion of its appeal with those skills
We will actively share information about our educational and research activities and their results on our website and conduct effective public relations activities targeting various stakeholders through a media mix of digital information, print media, etc., to enhance the University’s presence and strengthen its brand power.

(5) Flexible collaboration and organizational reforms in line with social trends and regional needs
We will sensitively detect the ever-changing trends of the times and society, as well as regional needs, and flexibly and proactively devise and implement measures to restructure our educational, research, faculty, and administrative organizations in order to respond to these needs. Furthermore, we will promote strategic and organic collaboration between our internal education and research organizations, as well as with other universities and local governments and companies, by utilizing their respective strengths and characteristics, thereby facilitating organizational reforms.

(6) University management using inspection and evaluation based on objective indicators
To ensure and further enhance the quality of our educational, research, and other activities, we will not only verify our progress in quantitative and qualitative indicators but also establish a system for self-inspection and evaluation that meets certain requirements for objectivity, including seeking opinions from external members of the Management Council and other outside people. Using this system, we will constantly conduct self-assessment and third-party evaluation on a regular basis. The results of these evaluations will be reflected in the management of the University and disclosed to a wide range of stakeholders.

Key Strategy 2: Promote DX to enhance the University¡¯s function of supporting education and research and to facilitate regional contributions

We will enhance the value of the University by utilizing digital technology to increase our operational efficiency and save human labor and by mobilizing the thus generated surplus resources to provide various types of support required by students, researchers and other stakeholders.

(7) Development and expansion of ICT infrastructure necessary for DX promotion
We will systematically develop and expand ICT infrastructure that is necessary for us to promote DX measures. In doing so, we will streamline our operations and reduce costs by introducing sufficient software for the execution of our operations and actively utilizing open-source software.

(8) Enhancement of the University¡¯s institutional research (IR) functions and support for decision-making based on various data
By utilizing information accumulated through DX promotion to strengthen the University¡¯s institutional research (IR) functions, we will analyze and visualize a variety of information stored at the University and achieve rapid decision-making and flexible management based on evidence data.

(9) DX promotion aimed at creating and reproducing new value and services for stakeholders
We will promote the total optimization of the University’s overall operations, including education and research, through data standardization and sharing to facilitate the formulation of effective management strategies and reduce the necessary amount of work. In addition, we will eliminate the overlap of tasks and use ICT to streamline our operations and save labor. At the same time, we will utilize digital technology to visualize information and establish a system for increasing our operational productivity through data-based efficiency enhancement and decision-making in order to create new value for stakeholders.

(10) Development of human resources required for DX promotion
We will develop human resources capable of promoting DX at the University by utilizing the University’s graduate and undergraduate education, for example, by encouraging such human resources to enroll in regular graduate courses in information science, data science, and management or to take courses as non-degree students.

Key Strategy 3: Creating an attractive working environment

We aim to optimize the allocation of human resources to make maximum use of our human resources while promoting work-style reforms to create an attractive workplace with high importance placed on a healthy work-life balance.

(11) Promotion of work-style reforms and realization of an attractive workplace with high importance placed on a healthy work-life balance
To encourage diverse and flexible working styles, we will introduce flextime, remote work, and other systems. At the same time, we will achieve higher efficiency in and even distribution of our operations by identifying truly necessary tasks and utilizing digital technology, with the aim of reducing overtime work and encouraging more active acquisition of leave. By doing so, we will create a comfortable and attractive working environment.

(12) Realization of an attractive workplace that makes the most of the University’s human resources
We will stimulate the employment of excellent young researchers and create an attractive workplace by utilizing a system for appointing young faculty members as professors as early as possible and the tenure-track system,*12 intended to secure and develop excellent human resources in accordance with the University’s strategy. In addition, we will optimize the allocation of non-faculty human resources to make the most of our human resources by clearly defining the abilities required for their jobs, recruiting staff with superior expertise, and appointing reemployed staff.

Key Strategy 4: Establish a sound financial structure

We will strategically acquire external funds, increase the University’s own income, and stabilize its management.

(13) Stabilization of university management through diversification of financial resources, including strategic acquisition of external funds
To accept a larger amount of funds from industry, Yamaguchi University will establish mechanisms to attract new investments and strategically acquire external funds by such means as creating research hubs for industry-academia-government collaboration that utilize the University’s research seeds and enhancing research support systems. In addition, we aim to stabilize our university management by increasing our own income by adding income from profitable fund management by appropriate methods and loan fee income from the active utilization of assets held by the University.

(14) Strengthening the University¡¯s organizational structure to obtain donations to the Yamaguchi University Fund
To provide financial support for students and enhance the environment for the educational and research activities of faculty members, we will make more active fund-raising efforts than ever before and strengthen the organizational structure of the Fund Office.

(15) Efficient and effective budget use
We will work to visualize the financial results of each department, analyze costs, and incorporate the analysis results in the budget for the next fiscal year. We will also strive to reduce costs by streamlining our operations through the promotion of DX.

(16) Continuous provision of advanced and sophisticated medical care and establishment of stable hospital management
To provide safe and advanced medical care, we will systematically introduce medical equipment and establish stable hospital management with high importance placed on operational efficiency while utilizing AI and other technologies.


1. Data science education
Data science is a discipline that analyzes a vast and diverse mass of data based on mathematics, statistics, and machine learning and thereby derives useful insights from the analysis results. Data science education at Yamaguchi University is provided in both first-year education and specialized education. In first-year education, students learn the principles of data science, the basic methods of using data science tools, and examples of the use of this discipline. In specialized education, students learn the methods of interpreting the meanings of data, basic concepts concerning AI, the methods of using AI, and examples of applied use of AI in line with the University’s original standards, which define the level suitable for the curriculum of each faculty.
2. Innovation ecosystem
An innovation ecosystem denotes an environment or situation likened to a biological ecosystem. In an innovation ecosystem, various players, including government bodies, universities, research institutions, businesses, and financial institutions, are in mutual relationships, from which innovations are continuously created.
3. Innovation Commons
Innovation Commons denotes a campus as a place for all participants to take part in a combination of human-oriented and equipment-oriented initiatives for co-creation in any setting in any field through hybrid communication that integrates in-person and online communication. This kind of campus constitutes a hub for co-creation based on organic linkage between all its parts, including not only educational and research facilities but also cafeterias, dormitory buildings, and outdoor spaces. Here, we recognize joint centers for industry-academia-government collaboration as part of the functions of the Innovation Commons.
4. Society 5.0
Society 5.0 is a human-centered society that can both achieve economic development and resolve social issues at the same time with a system that highly integrates cyberspace (virtual space) and physical space (real space). It denotes a new society that historically follows the hunting society (Society 1.0), the agricultural society (Society 2.0), the industrial society (Society 3.0), and the information society (Society 4.0). In Japan, this concept was first advocated as the country¡¯s vision for a future society in the national government¡¯s 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan.
5. DX education
DX stands for ¡°digital transformation.¡± DX education provided by Yamaguchi University aims to enable students to master the ways of thinking, including design thinking, and related skills that are necessary to promote DX and acquire an accurate understanding of the concept of DX and the changes it brings to society as the basis for practical action. The ultimate goal of the University¡¯s DX education is to develop human resources who can propose DX-based solutions to various social issues.
6. Faculty development (FD) and staff development (SD)
Faculty development (FD) denotes systematic training provided for faculty members to enable them to improve the content of their classes and the methods they use to teach classes. Meanwhile, staff development (SD) denotes training provided for faculty and staff members involved in university administration, education, research, etc., to help them acquire necessary knowledge and skills and improve their own abilities and qualifications.
7. The three elements of academic achievement
The three elements of academic achievement comprise (1) basic knowledge and skills, (2) abilities in thinking, judgment, and self-expression, and (3) an attitude toward independent learning, adaption to diversity, and ability in collaboration. These elements are defined in the Report on Integrated Reforms in High School Education, University Education, and University Entrance Examinations toward the Realization of High School-University Connection Suitable for a New Age (Central Council for Education Report No. 177).
8. Recurrent education
Recurrent education denotes periodic alternation between work and education throughout one’s life. In other words, each person receives education again whenever needed, even after leaving school education and entering the workforce.
9. Top-down industry-academia-government collaboration research centers
These are research centers authorized by the President to solve important research and development issues determined through discussions among the top executives from industry, academia, and the public sector in the Place for Co-creation under the Yamaguchi-style regional co-creation system.
10. Gap funds
Gap funds bridge the gap between research results achieved by research institutions and the commercialization of those results by being used to obtain data (experimental and computational results) to verify hypotheses and find proof of new concepts, theories, principles, and ideas (Proof of Concept [PoC]), to create prototypes, to improve business models, etc.
11. Global niche top research
In economic terminology, ¡°global niche top¡± companies denote the top companies in global niche markets. This plan uses the term ¡°global niche top research¡± to denote research that has a world-class competitive edge in niche fields.
12. Tenure track system
A tenure track system denotes a system that provides young fixed-term researchers with a career path to tenure through a fair and transparent final review process. Such a career path includes the opportunity to gain experience working as researchers and educators in an autonomous research environment before reaching the status of tenured faculty members.
13. Priority partner universities
Priority partner universities denote Yamaguchi University¡¯s partners in its unique initiative to enhance the level of research conducted there and make international academic contributions by strengthening its international collaborative activities. These collaborative activities are conducted mainly with overseas universities and research institutions, which are called ¡°priority partner universities,¡± primarily in particular research fields.
14. Regional Collaboration Platform
The Regional Collaboration Platform is a platform for constant dialogue and collaboration among multiple universities and other higher-education institutions, local governments and industries, and other members. This deliberative body is aimed at enabling its members to collaborate with each other, share and understand the vision and issues of the local communities and the current condition and future vision of higher education, and engage in constant discussions, regardless of a difference in their positions.
15. Community Future Center
This center was established at Yamaguchi University to solve regional issues, create and pass on regional wisdom, and contribute to the revitalization of regional communities by promoting various partnerships with the local communities, managing information on regional partnership activities stored at the University in an integrated manner, and effectively utilizing the University’s educational and research resources in regional communities.
16. Place for Co-creation
A ¡°Place for Co-creation¡± is the term for a project to solve regional issues identified through discussions among the Regional Collaboration Platform members. It is also referred to as a Place for Regional Co-creation.
17. Academic Forest
¡°Academic Forest¡± is the name for facilities in the libraries on Yamaguchi University’s Yoshida, Kogushi, and Tokiwa campuses. These facilities are intended to be used by students when they want to engage in active learning through conversation and discussions with each other.
18. Reskilling
Reskilling is a type of training aimed at enabling working people to acquire the skills needed to enter a new profession or to adapt to drastic changes in the skills required in their current profession.
19. Open access
Open access denotes unlimited, free, universal access to materials on the Web.
20. SOGI Guidelines
SOGI Guidelines are designed to establish a system for ensuring due respect for diversity in the sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) of students, faculty members, and staff members and for providing full support for those in need of support from a SOGI perspective.
21. Cross-appointment system
A system that allows researchers to be employed by two or more organizations within a university, public research institution, or company and to engage in research, development, and education in accordance with their roles at each organization under a certain level of effort management.
22.Double-degree program
A program in which a Japanese university and its overseas counterpart both award degrees to students who earn a required number of credits and complete both curricula according to the credit-transfer and curricular standards defined through discussions between both institutions.
23.Joint-degree program
A program in which several universities jointly award a single degree upon completion of a joint program established through collaboration among those universities.
24. National University Corporation Governance Code
This code was formulated by the Association of National Universities (ANA) in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Cabinet Office in response to the Japanese government’s Integrated Innovation Strategy (Cabinet Decision on June 15, 2018), which provides that national universities and other related parties should develop a university governance code during FY2019 in cooperation with the Science and Technology Department of the Cabinet Office and MEXT. The code is designed, in light of the characteristics of universities, to reflect the opinions of various stakeholders and be widely acceptable to society. National university corporations use this Governance Code as a basic principle for implementing their own initiatives based on their respective characteristics, for enhancing their management functions to maximize the value of their education, research, and social contribution functions, and for building a strong governance system on their own.