About going overseas

Revised January 13, 2023

Main changes
  • ¡°Health Observation Report Form¡± is discontinued.
  • Change the correspondence of “2” and “3”.


1. About going overseas

¡¡In principle, traveling, include a personal travel, to countries/regions designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as level 4 (Evacuate and Avoid all travel), level 3 (Avoid all travel), or level 2 (Avoid Non-essential travel) should be postponed or canceled.
¡¡However, if you have special circumstances, please inform the person in charge of your faculty/department in advance.

2. Correspondence of returning from overseas and entering Japan

¡¡If you are returning/entering Japan from overseas, please contact your faculty/department and the Health Administration Center and, in principle, follow the latest “government border measures”.
¡¡In addition, please download the “Health Observation Form” and record your physical condition and body temperature for 7 days after returning/entering to Japan.
¡¡Please check the latest information as the information on border measures is updated as occasion demands.

Quarantine period, etc.

¡¡Currently, in principle, all returnees and people entering Japan are not required to undergo immigration inspections and are not required to stay at home or in accommodation facilities after entering Japan.
¡¡However, it is necessary to submit a vaccination certificate (vaccinated 3 times) of vaccines listed in the World Health Organization (WHO) emergency use list, or a negative PCR test certificate within 72 hours before departure.
¡¡Returnees and people entering Japan with symptoms suspected of being infected will be tested at the time of entry Japan, and if the test result is positive, they will be required to stay at an accommodation, etc. for a period specified by the quarantine station chief.


3. In case of contacting with a person returning/entering Japan from overseas

¡¡When contacting with a person who have not yet completed 7 days since his/her return/entry into Japan, please thoroughly implement basic infection prevention measures such as “adequate ventilation” and “wearing a mask.”