Student Identification Card

Student Identification Cards are issued at your affiliated faculty or graduate school (If there are issues, please check that you are using the correct student number).

Research students (on private expense) and auditors can receive a student identification card only after paying an entrance fee.

Your entrance fee should be paid at the post office. You can get the payment slip at your faculty or graduate school. After the payment is complete, please submit the stub of the payment slip to your faculty or graduate school.

Research student Entrance fee: £¤84,600 Tuition fee: £¤29,700 per month ¡Á 6 months
Auditor Entrance fee: £¤28,200 Tuition fee: £¤14,800 per credit ¡Á credit number

*If you do not yet have a fixed address, please fill in the following address:
International Student Support Office, Yamaguchi University
1677-1 Yoshida, Yamaguchi, 753-0831 TEL: 083-933-5982

You will need the following

  • Application form for student identification card
  • Photo (4cm¡Á3cm)

*You can get photos taken at an ID photo booth.

Yoshida Campus :Behind the store at the General Education Building / Aruk Hirakawa store
Kogushi Campus :Inside Aruk Kotoshiba store / TSUTAYA Ube store
Tokiwa Campus :Nagami photo studio / GEO Ube Campus St.