Career Support

Yamaguchi University is committed to ensuring that its students receive the best information and support possible in their job search and professional development. From providing information on internships and job-hunting to holding courses on Japanese business culture, we provide a comprehensive support network for students and alumni. The Career Support Office is open to inquiries and welcomes you to take advantage of its services.

General Career Education

At Yamaguchi University, career support starts from the curriculum. We provide two career education courses in our liberal core subjects: ¡®A Place of Wisdom¡¯ for freshman and ¡®Career Education¡¯ for third year students. The ¡®A Place of Wisdom¡¯ class brings in leaders in various fields as lecturers, encouraging students to start considering their careers at an early stage. ¡®Career Education,¡¯ taken two years later, starts the actual preparation for the job search, as students learn from the job-hunting experiences of alumni.

Understanding Japanese Business Culture

This career education course is provided to teach students critical information about Japanese business culture and job hunting methods in Japan. The course consists of lectures by speakers from a variety of industries such as journalists from TV companies and newspaper companies, bankers, and employees from apparel companies, department stores and manufacturers. The course is very popular among both international students and Japanese students. Many international students have used the knowledge they gain from this course in their job search and during their subsequent employment in Japan.

Career Support Office

TEL: +81-(0)83-933-5167 or 5145